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  • Our therapeutic pathways

    Our therapeutic pathways blend residential care, education, and therapy together. They help us provide young people with a completely bespoke and integrated service to help them flourish and thrive into adulthood.  

    How do our therapeutic pathways work?  
    Image of young person in climbing gear looking out over hills

    12-week assessments  

    Many of our young people start in our assessment homes. They provide children with a short-term placement, while our assessment and therapeutic teams work closely to assess their needs and recommend the right pathways.  

    During their time here, young people can access a full outdoor adventure programme. The programme is designed to help them build relationships and get a better understanding of their thought processes, behaviours, and coping strategies.   

    All our assessment homes are AQA registered centres. This gives young people the opportunity to gain up to 40 AQA awards by the time they’ve completed their assessment period.   

    A place to call homeChild holding games controller

    We offer different types of care placements in solo, dual and group homes. Young people can move between different placement types depending on their progress, what’s right for their specific needs and what they’re comfortable with at any given time.  

    Turning the Curve™ 

    Our Turning the Curve™ education model is equally flexible. We can provide home tutoring, a place at one of our day schools, our online school or a mainstream school, or we can combine a few options together.  

    We meet young people every day who just aren’t ready or able to enter a traditional classroom environment, and that’s okay. What’s important is that our model can provide the means for a child to learn in a way that suits them, in an environment they’re comfortable in.  

    It helps young people who’ve been out of school for many years, change their lives and rediscover the joy of learning.  

    Therapy in every form 
    Image of hanging decoration attached to door

    This is all underpinned by our therapeutic services, which help young people process trauma and manage any social, emotional, and behavioural needs with the dedicated support of our in-house therapeutic team. 

    The therapeutic side of what we do is like adding bubbles to a bath whilst running the tap. It seems like a good idea, but only if the plug is firmly in place to catch the water and let the bubbles grow, otherwise it’s a wasted effort.  

    A safe, secure, and nurturing placement, alongside access to the right educational opportunities are the plug that helps a young person benefit from positive, interpersonal, and learning experiences, (the water). The therapy is the extra element (the bubble bath) that enriches those experiences even further.  

    Every journey is unique 

    Diagram showing a non-linear pathway through our services

    No route is linear, young people can move forwards and backwards through their care, education, and therapeutic pathways. It’s not about racing to the finish line, it’s about finding the right balance of support for every individual at every step. 

    What do our therapeutic pathways achieve? 

    Our aim is to help every young person we look after transition in and out of care with the confidence, resilience, skills, and qualifications they need to lead a stable adult life that’s full of opportunities.  

    Our services give young people the potential for a future, preventing them from falling between the societal cracks of unemployment, crime, and anti-social behaviour, with no network or support to claim to.  

    Most importantly, we make sure they don’t become ‘just another statistic’ on a spreadsheet, because we believe they deserve so much more than that.  

    Take a look at our case study...