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Schools Part of Esland Group

  • Esland Bedford School
  • Esland Shropshire School
  • Esland Grantham School
  • Esland Daven School
  • Esland Online School
  • Education

    Our education model gives young people a future.

    A future that’s full of opportunities they may never have been able to reach for before.

    We call our model Turning the Curve™ because it helps vulnerable young people between 7 and 18 years old turn the curve on their past experiences and build towards a positive new chapter.

    It gives them the knowledge, skills, qualifications, and character strengths they need to take their next confident steps into adulthood.

    And provides the right stepping stones to re-engage with their education and rediscover the joy of learning again.

    Most importantly, it enables young people to see their own strengths and abilities, so that they can start to believe in themselves and their unlimited potential.

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    Take a look at our case study...

    Our schools are members of NASS

    The National Association of Independent Schools and Non-Maintained Special Schools (NASS) is an organisation that represents and supports independent and non-maintained special schools for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). NASS acts as a voice for our schools, helping to ensure that they can provide high-quality education and care to students who often have complex and diverse needs. NASS plays a vital role in ensuring that students with SEND in the independent sector have access to appropriate, specialised education and support.