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  • Re-engaging with education - Sam's story

    Angry and verbally abusive  

    When Sam* first started living with us, he was considered a risk for going missing from care, sexual and criminal exploitation, and substance misuse.    

    He found it difficult to speak to staff members, got angry at almost every opportunity and struggled to manage his emotions.  

    He couldn’t accept rules and boundaries, which often led to him becoming verbally abusive. When his emotions were heightened, he would smash things up around the home as a way of coping.  

    Building relationships through experiences  

    We spent a lot of time building relationships with Sam during activities inside and outside the home.  

    He went on lots of trips including his first football game for his favourite team, visits to museums and safari parks and he went on holiday to Skegness. 

    Sam revelled in taking responsibility for the home’s pet rabbit, making sure he was always fed and cared for.  

    All these experiences helped him form positive attachments with his keyworkers, so that when he felt angry or worried, he could talk about things in a calm and measured way.  

    And he adapted to the rules and boundaries in the home which in turn helped us create stable routines for him. 

    The manager of Sam’s home pulled out all the stops to find a local school suitable for his needs and since starting he’s had a 99% attendance score.  

    What a difference 12 months makes 

    A year on, Sam has made significant progress. He engages with school lessons, returns home from activities straight away, shares his belongings with everyone in the home, accepts new people and is open to different views and wishes.  

    He’s able to control his anger and emotions and talks about his feelings in a much more mature manner. He’s really settled into life in the home, and he finally feels safe and happy in his surroundings.  

    “I have made so much progress, my life is practically perfect here and I’m a lot better at controlling my anger.” 

    Quote from Sam 

    *We have changed the name to protect the young person’s identity. 

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